Black Horizontal Pyramids - Alexander Calder (1975)
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- "George W. Bush's anti-HIV program is hailed as 'amazing' — and still crucial at 20", por Melody Schreiber, 2013
"In his January 2003 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush made an announcement: The United States would undertake a massive investment to combat HIV/AIDS around the world. Those working in the field remember watching the speech and wondering if this could be a much-needed turning point. (...) It's the largest health commitment ever made by any country, now totaling more than $100 billion in more than 50 countries. (...) Bush returned to Washington on [2013] to extol PEPFAR's progress and to urge continued support when Congress takes up reauthorization of the program this year. "I don't really come to Washington often," he said. "But I'm here to remind people that American taxpayers' money is making a huge difference, a measurable difference in saving lives: 25 million people." (...) Ambassador John Nkengasong, the U.S. global AIDS coordinator and special representative for global health diplomacy, (...) said, "PEPFAR is, in my view, the greatest act of solidarity that humanity has ever created in solving an infectious disease challenge like HIV/AIDS."
- "
- Grande Entrevista -
- António Lobo Antunes ", por Vitor Gonçalves, 2017
"Sim às vezes saem [perfeitas à primeira tentativa] mas a maior parte das vezes não saem, a primeira versão não é boa, não é, tem que se sofrer, para que o leitor possa ter prazer tem que se sofrer, mas vale a pena porque senão a vida não faz sentido. E tive a sorte de encontrar uma coisa que desde os cinco, seis, oito anos era a única coisa que me interessava fazer. (...) isto é um trabalho de teimosia, paciência".
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